Delicious Cabbage Recipes You Have To Make

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Cabbage is a powerhouse of nutrients, low in calories, and is very affordable. There are a few varieties to choose from, each with their own benefits. There are an array of dishes you can make with cabbage, yet it is often underutilized, or just subjected to cook out coleslaws. But now, you have the tools to change that with these recipes

Braised Chinese Cabbage

Red cabbage is the star of this dish with influences from China. Since cabbage is a pretty neutral vegetable, it can hold up intense flavors while maintaining a very desirable texture. Sautee the cabbage with soy sauce, star anise,  ginger for just a few minutes. Serve with scallions on top and you have a much more interesting side dish than normal.

Raw Cabbage Salad

The crunchiness of cabbage is almost unmatched. So, make good use of this texture and feature it in a salad! Combine it with tomatoes, herbs, and carrots and you have a delicious and colorful salad for your dinner table.

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Cabbage and Noodles

This classic Eastern European dish combines noodles with cabbage, peas, sausage, and other vegetables. It is not only a very cost-effective way to feed a crowd, but all the flavors are very complimentary.