Deviled Eggs are Easier to Prepare Than You Think

Deviled eggs
Photo by Rosalie Barley on Unsplash

If you’re looking for an egg-based recipe that’s both tasty, classy, and easy for guests to munch on at a lavish event, look no further than deviled eggs. This is one of the most interesting egg recipes out there, even if it’s not as common as the usual suspects such as scrambled eggs or omelets. If you’re wondering how to make it, sit tight because we’re about to give you a real crash course.

Boil The Eggs

First things first. Grab a bunch of eggs and hard-boil them in a pot. Once the eggs are hard-boiled, carefully remove the yolks without destroying the outer egg-white layer. Place the egg yolks aside for later. Slice each of the egg whites in half so that it has an opening where you can add a mixture later.

Making the Mixture

Now that the egg whites are ready to be filled, it’s time to make the tasty mixture. The way to do that is by mashing the egg yolks and combining them with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and whichever other seasonings you want. You may also add other elements such as mustard if you like. Don’t overseason—do so little by little until you’ve achieved the ideal taste profile. Once you’ve got the perfect yellow mixture, use it to fill out each of the egg-white containers. Add some paprika on top and you’re done!