Did You Know You Could Bake With Lavender?

Photo by Heather Barnes on Unsplash

Lavender has been a favorite herb for millennia. It improves one’s mood, reduces anxiety, and smells great. But not everyone knows that lavender actually tastes incredible too.

Indeed, baking with lavender is actually a great way to subtly flavor your baked goodies so that they’re sweet and beautifully fragrant. Here are some baked goods that go great with a dash of lavender.

Lemon and Lavender Sponge

Who doesn’t love a good old sponge cake? If you fancy giving this well worn classic an interesting twist, bake it with lemon juice and lavender oil. This combination gives a wonderfully fresh and fragrant taste that will leave you feeling renewed.

Pear and Lavender Jam Tarts

Fill your freshly baked tarts with a combination of pear and lavender jam. The result is a gorgeous pear tart with a hint of floral lavender that just hits the spot.

Oat and Lavender Cookies

Oat-based cookies have a wonderful texture to them and bind together very naturally. If you mix a dash of lavender into the equation, your oat cookies will have a nice herbal twist that beats cinnamon and raisin!