Everything You Need to Know About Storing Canned Food

Cans in cupboard
Photo by Bruno Guerrero on Unsplash

Storing canned food properly ensures it remains safe to eat until its expiry date and keeps its quality for longer. Continue reading to find out everything you need to know about storing canned food.

Inspect Canned Food Before Storing

The first step is always to inspect the canned food before actually storing it. If you notice any defects, dents, or holes in the can, it is better to throw it away because the content inside might be compromised.

Pick a Cold, Dry, and Dark Place

Make sure to store the canned food in a cold, dry, and dark place. Canned food doesn’t react best to changing temperatures and can change its taste and texture, while its metal package is prone to rust if not kept dry.

Store New Cans in the Back

You should always store new cans in the back to ensure you eat the older cans first. This will help you avoid having some canned food go past their expiry date and minimize food waste.

Don’t Keep Canned Food Stored for More Than a Year

All your canned food should be eaten within a year of purchase if you want to get the best quality. After that, the quality of the food will start to deteriorate even if the expiry date indicates it is still good to eat.