Everything You Need to Know About Storing Nuts and Seeds

Photo by Andreea Ch/Pexels

Most people don’t put much thought into storing nuts and seeds. They simply place them in a pantry or on a kitchen counter and forget about them until they need to use them. This method is sure the easiest but also leads to stale nuts and seeds that are everything but appetizing.

In order to keep nuts and seeds fresh for a long period of time, you need to put some effort into storing them.

Use Airtight Containers

Nuts and seeds will quickly turn stale when exposed to air. This is why you need to take them out of their package and place them in an airtight container. It will not only prevent the air from reaching them but also protect them from taking on the odor of the surrounding food.

Store at Cold and Dark Place

Airtight containers with nuts and seeds should be placed in a cold and dark place so they don’t lose their quality. You can use your pantry if you plan on using them all up in a month or two, but the fridge is a much better option if you plan to have them for longer.

Pay Attention During Purchase

Finally, the storing process actually kicks in at the moment you buy nuts and seeds. Buying fresh, raw, and whole nuts and seeds will help them last longer regardless of the conditions.