Foods You Can Bake On Your Pizza Stone Besides Pizza

Cooking stone uses
Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on

A pizza stone is one of the most useful kitchen tools you can invest in, but you can use it for so much more than just baking pizza. Here are a few delicious foods you can prepare using a pizza stone.

A Whole Chicken

If you love roasting whole chickens, buying a pizza stone could be a smart investment. A pizza stone can withstand very high temperatures and it can also absorb moisture—which means that your roasted chicken will be perfectly crispy and tasty.


Quesadillas are always the perfect lunch or dinner idea for when you’re short on time but still want to eat something healthy. Preparing them on a baking stone will be even easier and they’ll turn out delicious and crispy.


Bread baking has risen in popularity over the last year and this is another great way to use your baking stone. Baking in high temperatures will help you prepare the best homemade bread that’s light and has a perfectly crispy crust.


Put your baking stone to some good use and prepare delicious homemade desserts such as chocolate chip cookies. A baking stone is great for preparing delicious and evenly cooked cookies that the entire family will enjoy.