Get To Know Your Tomatoes

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Tomatoes are the cornerstone of many delightful dishes. They provide a fresh zest to salads and raw starters, and add an acidic kick to curries, sauces and pizza toppings. But tomatoes are not always as simple as they look. It’s time to get to know your tomatoes better.

Choosing Your Tomatoes

It is important that you choose tomatoes that are fresh, juicy, and that will last for several days in the fridge. The best tomatoes will have unblemished skins, that are glossy and firm to the touch.

Different Varieties

There are many different varieties of tomato. While they all have their own special features, there are some that are more common than others, and more useful. Some of the best varieties to know are the cherry tomato, the plum tomato, the standard globe tomato, and the beafsteak tomato.

Cherry Tomato

Cherry tomatoes are small and sweet. They’re great in salads, stews, or on pizza toppings. They go well with cucumber, salad leaves, and basil.

Plum Tomato

Plum tomatoes have a long elongated shape. This makes them good for roasting or grilling, and they’re excellent in sauces and soups.

Beafsteak Tomato

These are big slicing tomatoes. They’re great eaten fresh in salads, but also roasted, baked or stewed. They go well with cheeses, garlic, and pesto.