How to Make Beautiful Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

    Homemade vanilla ice cream
    Photo by Dovile Ramoskaite on Unsplash

    It’s one thing to buy vanilla ice cream at the ice cream parlor, but the truth is that you can make delicious homemade vanilla ice cream in minutes at home as well. You can use this as a base for loads of great desserts and wow your friends with your dessert skill. Here’s how to do it!

    Ingredients and Equipment

    To make delicious vanilla ice cream, you need two vanilla pods, four egg yolks, 100 grams of caster sugar, 200 milliliters of whole milk, 300 milliliters of double cream, and an ice cream maker. It’s a good idea to invest in an ice cream machine as it will produce tons of top-quality ice cream for you.

    Gently Heat the Cream

    The first thing you need to do is create the cream base for the ice cream. This begins the vanilla infusion and makes sure the ice cream is saturated with its soft taste.

    Gently heat the milk and the cream in a saucepan with the vanilla pods. Heat the mixture until steaming but not boiling. Leave it for five minutes so that the vanilla infuses into the cream.

    Thicken the Mixture

    Next, whisk the sugar and egg yolks together until it has a foamy consistency. Remove the vanilla pods and slowly whisk the warm cream into the sugary yolk mixture. Return to saucepan and cook until it becomes thick and gloopy. Stir continuously.

    Leave to Form

    Pop the cream mixture into your ice cream maker and leave to churn. When you’re ready to serve it, scoop the fully formed ice cream out and enjoy!