Spinach. High levels of iron. Photo by chiara conti on Unsplash

Iron is a vital mineral for our body; it is the way that our cells get oxygen, and without it, you can develop diseases like anemia. Especially if you are vegan or vegetarian, it can be more difficult to find iron sources because they are mostly in meat and poultry. However, there are plenty of foods that make getting your dose in easily, so follow this list and be sure to take care of your daily iron needs.

Dark Leafy Greens

Foods like kale, watercress, spinach, and chard all have high levels of iron. Of course, they have many health benefits beyond iron, but iron is a key role in these foods. An easy way to get in your greens if you aren’t the biggest fan is to throw it into a smoothie!

Nuts and Seeds

All types of nuts and seeds are a good source of iron. They are also good for fulfilling your protein daily requirement. A fun way to eat nuts is by making a trail mix! There is nothing better than snacking on a healthy bite while doing something outside. You can also add in some dried fruit which will also help with your iron intake.
