Hard Cider is All the Rage These Days

The super popular apple cider
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

When you sit down to relax after a long day and want to have a cold, tasty alcoholic beverage, what is your favorite choice? While beer and cocktails have always been a popular selection, hard cider has been charging hard into the hearts and minds of people around the world as an intriguing beverage choice that offers up tons of flavor.

The Origins of Cider

Cider-making has been traditionally linked to northwestern Europe, where the beverage is said to have been invented thousands of years ago. While it remains most popular in the UK, other places around the world have begun to take note of just how tasty it is.

How It’s Made

Made with a similar fermentation process to the one that takes place with wine, as yeasts are added to mashed apples and its juices to create an alcoholic beverage that usually ranges between 4 to 8% alcohol by volume.

These days, a wide variety of cider flavors are being explored by brewers all around the world. Other fruit flavors are sometimes added, like pineapple or raspberry, to give the drink a new and exciting dimension that gives it tons of variety. When drunk cold and on a warm day, there aren’t many more refreshing and pleasant drink options than cider. Give it a try!