Hard Cooking Techniques to Master

Baking bread. One of the cooking techniques to master.
Photo by Nadya Spetnitskaya on Unsplash

Cooking doesn’t have to be hard. You can make great food for the rest of your life with the simplest of tools, techniques, and ingredients. But if you are a cooking hobbyist and want to improve your skills, it can definitely be worth the effort to level up your skills and learn these more challenging cooking techniques.

Poaching an Egg

A lot of casual home cooks don’t even bother trying to poach an egg and it’s easy to understand why. This skill definitely has a pretty steep learning curve and you might have a few failures before you get it right. But once you do, it’ll open up a whole world of breakfast and it’s definitely worth trying.

Making Fresh Bread or Pasta

There’s really nothing more satisfying than making your own bread or pasta at home. In fact, because it requires so much effort and care, it’s even more exciting to eat it and, yes, it’s going to taste better than the stuff that you get at the store. Plus this is a great way to impress people.

Making Homemade Stock

Not only is making your own stock a good way to cut down on your food waste, but it’ll also help you get an amazing, deep flavor in all sorts of dishes from soups to stews and sauces.