Has Your Dish Turned Out Too Spicy? Here’s How to Save it

Photo by Kalyani Akella on Unsplash

When cooking a spicy dish, it is easy to get overboard and make it too spicy. When that happens, some people end up taking the heat while not really enjoying it, while others throw away the dish. But there is no need for either. A dish that is too spicy is still salvageable if you end up using these methods.

Add Something Acidic

Acid ingredients, sauces, and condiments work well to balance out the spiciness of the dish. You can splash some lemon juice or vinegar, and even adding ketchup will do the trick.

Introduce Dairy

Dairy items like yogurt and sour cream are known to bring down the heat from eating spicy food while cooling your mouth in the process. You can also use this characteristic of dairy products to make the dish less spicy. But remember to add it when the dish is already cooked since heat might change the properties of dairy products.

Combine With Bland Food

In case you don’t want to risk changing the flavor profile of your dish, then consider combining it with some bland food. Rice or potatoes will work well in this case, and eating them together will negate some of the heat.

Add More Main Ingredients

With all this being said, the easiest way to save a dish that is too spicy is to simply add more of the main ingredients like meat, veggies, and stock. As a bonus, you will end up with a bigger batch and have a meal for tomorrow.