Here’s a Recipe For Easy Cinnamon Butter

    Cinnamon butter
    Photo by American Heritage Chocolate on Unsplash

    Cinnamon and butter are two delicious flavors which add a lot to many baked goods, whether as a topping or an ingredient. So, why not combine them? Here’s an easy recipe to make a sweet cinnamon butter right at home, which you can spread on everything from waffles to bagels to toast.


    • Softened butter
    • Cinnamon (about 2 teaspoons per cup of butter, but it’s up to your own tastes)
    • Pinch of salt (if butter is unsalted)
    • About 3 tablespoons powdered sugar or honey
    • A drop of vanilla extract, if you want

    This recipe is so simple that it’s barely a recipe. Just get the butter to a soft enough consistency that it can be mixed, and mix in the cinnamon, vanilla, and salt. Then, add the sweetener little by little to reach your own desired sweetness. If you have an electric mixer, you can also use that to combine the ingredients more easily and more uniformly.

    The best cinnamon to use is Saigon cinnamon, as it has a “spicier” and more intense flavor than regular cinnamon. (Don’t worry, it’s not actually spicy!) If you’d like a sweeter butter then use the more traditional sweet cinnamon. Store the cinnamon butter in an airtight container such as a small jar in the fridge.