Here’s How to Know When Pumpkin Pie is Done

Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay

Every Thanksgiving, we look forward to finishing off the meal with pumpkin pie. And while pumpkin pie is one of the easiest to make, nailing pumpkin pie comes down to knowing when it’s done. These three tests will help you know when pumpkin pie is undercooked or finished so you’ll never have to guess again.

Knife Test

The easiest way to tell if the pie is done, just insert a knife near the center of the pie and if the knife comes out clean, the pie is done. The downside to this technique is that the pie will have a crack where the knife was inserted. If you don’t want the crack, you can cover it with whipped cream or decorate the pie with pastry cutouts.

Instant-Read Thermometer Test

Did you know that there’s an ideal internal temperature for pumpkin pie? According to the FDA, the temperature is 180 F at the coolest point. So, you can test if your pie is done by inserting an instant-read thermometer.

Jiggle Test

You can always know if the pie is done by gently shaking it. When it’s done, it should slightly shake in the center, but it shouldn’t be liquidy.