Why Buy an Induction Cooktop?

Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

Induction cooktops are growing in popularity and availability. They are excellent in the kitchen, on the road, and ideal for the whole family. Let’s take a look at whether you should invest in one.


Induction cooktops are powered by an electromagnetic current conducted through a copper coil in the base of the pan. This ensures that the heat reaches the desired temperature the moment the cooktop is switched on and that it is evenly distributed across the whole pan. Food is cooked quickly and evenly.


Energy Efficient

Powered by an electromagnetic current, there’s no energy wastage. All of the energy is converted into heat, as the cooktop only works when a suitable pan is applied. This is good for the environment and your energy bills.


Induction cooktops are a safe option. The plate only heats up when the cookware has been placed onto it. This means that children can’t burn themselves so easily and accidents are less likely to happen.


Requires Special Pans

The only downside to an induction cooktop is that it requires special pans that can conduct the electromagnetic current. This is fine for when you’re at home but might become inconvenient if you are on the move or at a friend’s house. A special trick to find out whether a pan is induction ready is to check if it’s magnetic. If it is, it is induction ready.