How to Add Flavor to Dishes Without Using Salt

Salt alternatives
Photo by Jane Gonzalez on Unsplash

Using only salt and pepper to season dishes is okay for beginner cooks, but sooner or later you’ll want to add more flavor to your meals or reduce the amount of salt you use. Here’s how you can make your dishes more flavorful without adding more salt.

Lemon Juice Or Zest

Using lemon zest or lemon juice is a great way to add flavor and some vitamin C to your dishes like soups, salads, meat, and fish, and brighten up literally every meal.

Fresh Herbs

Adding fresh herbs like parsley, basil, mint, or coriander at the end of cooking is an easy and inexpensive way to take your dishes to the next level. This is also why having a small herb garden is always useful for avid cooks.

Vegetable Stock

Keeping vegetable stock in your fridge is a simple and easy hack to elevate your meals in a second, because veggie stock is packed with nutrients and can add bursts of flavors to many different dishes.


Obviously, seasoning your dishes with healthy and flavorful spices is the best way to improve their taste, which is why owning a nice spice collection is a must for every cook.