How to Cook the Best Croissants

Photo by Olia Gozha on Unsplash

It’s no secret that croissants are pretty hard to bake. If you’ve ever tried making them yourself, you probably know better now than to take all of those bakery croissants for granted. But they’re not impossible, and if you commit to it, you can totally make your own amazing croissants. Here are some tips that should help.

Use the Right Ingredients

The first thing you need to make sure your croissants turn out well is to get the right ingredients. In terms of butter, try to get one with a high-fat content and no extra additives or water. European style butter from the specialty grocery store is a great option. For a light, delicate texture, use pastry flour.

Take Your Time

Croissants are not a weeknight project. They take time, patience, and energy. So look at it as a fun project and clear a whole weekday for it. If you enjoy the process, you’ll enjoy the result even more.

Be Temperature Sensitive

The hardest part of making croissants is knowing how specific the temperatures have to be. If your kitchen is too hot, your butter will start to melt, which is a no-no. Even if your kitchen isn’t hot, you’ll still need to refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes in different stages of preparing the croissants.