How to Make Paella Without Messing it Up

Photo by Antonio Castellano on Unsplash

Paella is two things. One, a delicious, savory meal perfect for large groups of people. And two, a rather challenging dish that is hard to get perfectly the first time. But never fear, because if you use these tips, you should be able to enjoy your skillet of paella without stress or mistakes.

Get the Right Pan

Paella is cooked and served all in one pan, so it’s important to use the right one. Make sure it’s large and shallow. If you can get one made out of enameled steel, even better.

Don’t Skip the Saffron

You may be tempted not to use the saffron in your paella recipe because it’s a spice that most people don’t have on hand and you only need a small amount of it. But the effect saffron will have on the aroma and flavor of your paella is significant, so go ahead and take your time to find it.

Choose Rice Wisely

Like risotto, paella has to be made with a particular type of rice. Paella rice is short, nearly spherical, and absorbs a lot of liquid while cooking. The traditional rice used is bomba, but you can also use the more easily found Calrose with no issues.