How To Eat Well For Digestive Health

Eating pasta
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

Every body is unique, and the foods that work well for you may not suit another person so well. However, when it comes to eating to support digestive health, there are still some guidelines and recommendations that work for almost everyone. If you’re looking to eat healthily and make your digestive system happy, check out these three foods that are key to reaching these goals.

Whole Grains

Whether it’s whole meal bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice, or whole oats, eating unrefined carbohydrates is really important for boosting your fibre intake. Fibre helps to help your digestive system regular, and it also has the added bonus of keeping your full for longer, meaning it’s less likely that you’ll snack.

Green Vegetables

As well as providing you with additional fibre, green vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and peas contain a specific type of sugar that can feed good gut bacteria. Maintaining and promoting good bacteria in the gut is the aim of any healthy diet, so make sure you’re eating leafy greens whenever you can.

Fermented Foods

There is a reason why kimchi, kombucha and kefir are so en vogue—there is growing evidence to suggest that eating plenty of fermented foods can boost the good bacteria in your gut, leading to a healthier digestive system overall. If you really can’t stand the taste of these funky fermented foods, then probiotic capsules are one option.

Eating for a healthy digestive system can be as simple as making a few tweaks to your diet. There is growing evidence that ultra-processed foods are harmful to the gut, so opt for home cooked as much as possible.