How to Keep Your Strawberries Fresh Longer

Fresh strawberries
Photo by Massimiliano Martini on Unsplash

Strawberries are one of the most beautiful and delicious fruits that exist. But unfortunately, they also tend to go bad very quickly. Because there’s no greater disappointment than coming home excited to eat some fresh strawberries and realizing they’ve started to mold, here’s a guide to keeping your strawberries fresh for longer.

Bathe Them in Vinegar

It may be a bit smelly, but vinegar is great at killing the bacteria that grows on strawberries, so if you give your batch a quick vinegar bath when you first get them, it can keep them fresh for up to two weeks. Just remember to rinse that vinegar off well!

Keep Out the Air

Another method of keeping strawberries fresh for up to a week is to cut the stems off and store them spread out on a paper towel in an airtight container.

Freeze Them

If you know that you’re not going to get around to eating your strawberries before they go bad, go ahead and freeze them as soon as you buy them. Obviously, they won’t be fresh when you want to eat them later on, but at least you’ll be able to enjoy them instead of tossing them out.