How to Make the Best Curry Your Kitchen Has Ever Seen

Imagine this scenario. You’re thinking of what to make for dinner. You go through your mind, thinking about all of your favorite foods. You remember how good that curry was that you had at your local Indian restaurant last week. And you decide to look up a curry recipe. After all, you’re a pretty good cook. It shouldn’t be that hard, right?

Then you scan through the first few recipes you find on Google. And suddenly, you start to doubt your curry-making abilities. There are so many ingredients and techniques you’ve never tried before. So you give up on the curry and make your go-to pasta dish instead.

Or… you come and read this article and discover the tips that can help you actually pull off a delicious curry for once. Yeah, that option sounds better to us, too.

The Spices

The most important part of curry is the spices, which offer both flavor and texture. Use them generously and make sure that they’re fresh. No stale spices in your curry.

Think About Your Aromatics

The deep flavor base of your curry will come from onion, ginger, and garlic (although garlic is not essential). Cooking them until soft and translucent will make for a lighter curry. For a richer, darker curry, go ahead and caramelize them.

Where’s the Body?

Now, decide what the base of your curry’s sauce will be. Is it tomatoes? Cream? Coconut milk? Pureed onion? All of these options are common – and delicious!