How to Meal Prep Like a Pro

Meal Prep
Photo by Ella Olsson on Pexels

If you have a busy work week or find yourself busy looking after your spouse and kids, then making the time to cook daily can prove challenging. This is where meal prepping in advance can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you learn how to meal prep like a pro.

Chop up your vegetables in advance

From sandwiches to casseroles and everything in between, vegetables are included in plenty of healthy recipes. As a result, having all of your vegetables already chopped up will help you save precious time when the time comes to cook each meal. Put each sliced and diced vegetable in a separate container in the fridge for easy access.

Batch Cooking

If you know that you’re going to use the same recipe multiple times throughout the week or are perhaps cooking for multiple people, then batch cooking will make your life easier. Simply cook everything in a large batch and warm it in the microwave at mealtime.

Portion Meals Ahead Of Time

While this is the most complicated form of meal prep, this will save you the most time during dinnertime throughout the week. If you’ve completed your batch cooking, portion the meals and place them in separate containers – one for each individual. At dinnertime, all you’ll need to do is warm the food and give it to each member of your household.