How To Tell If Your Baking Soda Is Still Good

Baking soda
Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

If you cook often, you probably know that baking soda is an indispensable pantry ingredient. It also works as a cleaning agent, laundry booster, and more. Because it’s so useful in and outside of the kitchen, most of us tend to stock up on baking soda, and it’s important to check from time to time whether it’s still good, or it’s time for it to be replaced.

As its name suggests, baking soda is used in baking recipes, helping batters and doughs rise. In general, baking soda is good indefinitely past its best by date, but it loses its potency over time. The general rule of thumb is two years for an unopened package and six months for an opened package. Old baking soda may not produce as much leavening action, but it is still safe to eat.

So, how can you tell if your baking soda still has its power? Here’s the easiest way to test: spoon some baking soda into a bowl and add a few drops of an acidic liquid, like lemon juice or vinegar. If it starts to fizz immediately, the baking soda will still work well for baking recipes. If not, it has lost its leavening power and should be replaced.