How to Wash Mussels Cleanly and Effectively

Cooking mussels
Photo by Victoria Shes on Unsplash

Mussels have become something of a delicacy. They pair with great salty flavors like butter, onions, cheese, and cream sauces. And they make a beautiful full meal all year round. But it’s not always clear exactly how you are supposed to cook them. When you’re first starting out, it can feel like there are many things that can go wrong. Giving your guests food poisoning not being the least of them! We’ve all heard horror stories about shellfish. So, here are the essentials about how to wash fresh mussels properly.

The Necessity of Cleaning

Because mussels are cooked and served in their shells, it is vitally important that they are washed properly before cooking. This means they must be given a thorough clean.

Scrub Mussels Under Cold Water

To do this, scrub them well with a brush under cold running water. This brushes away any grit or debris from the sea.

Scrape Off Barnacles

The shells may also have small barnacles on them. Use a knife to scrape them off.

Pull Away The Mussels’s “Beards”

Mussels often have a fibrous rope-like thread called a “beard”. These need to be removed. Simply twist them off with your fingers and they’re ready.