Ice Cream vs. Gelato: What’s the Difference?

Photo by Lukas/Pexels

You will often hear people use the words ice cream and gelato interchangeably for everyone’s favorite summer treat. But despite looking and tasting similar, they are actually not the same. Continue reading to find out some key differences between ice cream and gelato.

They Are Made in a Different Way

Ice cream and gelato use similar ingredients, but the way they are made is different. Ice cream uses less milk and has a higher content of cream and eggs. Gelato has more milk, and some varieties don’t use eggs at all. Another big difference is that gelato is churned at a much slower rate than ice cream.

They Have Different Consistency

Due to the slower churning rate, gelato is denser but has softer consistency. Ice cream, on the other hand, is creamy and smooth.

They Are Served at Different Temperatures

Gelato is usually served at a warmer temperature than ice cream. This makes it easier to scoop, and gelato doesn’t shock your tongue with the cold in a way ice cream does.

They Have a Different Flavor

Gelato usually has a more intense flavor due. This is partially due to the more prominent use of natural ingredients and partially thanks to its warmer temperature that allows our taste buds to be more receptive toward flavor.