Interesting Ways to Add More Protein to Oatmeal

Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash

Oatmeal has become a popular breakfast choice because it’s delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare in the morning. In case you’re looking for ways to add more protein to your oatmeal, here are a few healthy tips.

Cook With Milk

Cooking your oatmeal with milk instead of water is one of the easiest ways to boost your daily protein intake. Even vegans can use soy milk to get enough protein from their oatmeal—it’s healthy and way more delicious than using only water.

Nut And Seed Butter

In case you don’t like raw nuts, adding nut or seed butter to your usual oatmeal is a tasty and protein-rich alternative. Only two tablespoons of cashew butter, peanut butter, almond butter, or soy butter will add up to eight grams of protein to your oatmeal and make it your favorite breakfast.

Fold in Greek Yogurt

Most people know that Greek yogurt has many health benefits and is high in protein. Only 100 grams of plain Greek yogurt contains up to ten grams of protein, which makes it a perfect ingredient for oatmeal.

Almonds, Walnuts, or Pistachios

Nuts like almonds, walnuts, or cashews are a great source of protein as well. Plus, they’ll add that beautiful, crunchy texture to every bite and make it even tastier.