Ways to Troubleshoot Common Cooking Problems

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

There are a lot of pitfalls in the kitchen and it’s pretty easy to make mistakes as you learn how to cook. Here are some common cooking issues that come up and ideas for how to solve them.

Adding Too Much Salt

Got a little too overzealous with that salt shaker and now your dish is tasting ridiculously salty? Don’t panic. Adding liquid like water, broth, lemon juice, or vinegar will tone down that saltiness. You can also just add more of everything so there is less salt content relative to the amount of food.

Soggy or Mushy Veggies

Contrary to popular children’s opinion, vegetables can be absolutely delicious—but if the texture is wrong, it can be pretty gross. Veggies get mushy when you overcook them, so if you’re steaming or boiling, try not to let it go on longer than five minutes.

Burnt Garlic or Onions

If you’re burning your garlic and onions, chances are your heat is up too high. Patience is key. It’s also a good idea to wait and add garlic later in the process as it cooks much faster.