Items You Should Be Buying in Bulk

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Bulk buying is so fabulous for many reasons. First of all, it almost always saves you money. Second, you are being more eco-friendly by buying products that aren’t in disposable containers. And third, you won’t have to take as many trips to the grocery store which will save you time. However, not everything can be bought in bulk, but for these items, it’s worth it.


The legume family including lentils and beans among others. These are great to buy in bulk because often you make them in such big quantities, that it makes sense to have a lot on hand. Also, they don’t go bad quickly so it’s perfect to buy them in bulk.


Nuts are generally very expensive, but almost always they are cheaper in bulk. Whether you like to make your own nut butters or just love to snack on them at work, buying nuts in bulk is the right choice to make.

Pasta and Rice

If you are a carb lover, you should definitely be buying your pasta and rice in bulk. These two items can go so quickly, there’s no point in buying box after box. Instead, buy them in bulk and forgo all that packaging and wasted time at the supermarket.