Jeanine Donofrio’s Soup Recipes Are Creamy, Healthy, and Delicious

Soup is one of the dishes we should all add to our daily menu to stay healthy as cold winter days approach. If you want to find countless delicious and creamy recipes in a single spot, Jeanine Donofrio’s blog Love and Lemons is a good place to start.

Black Bean Soup

You only need ten basic ingredients to make this soup, and it’s so filling that you won’t even need to eat anything else afterward.

Pumpkin Soup

Fall and winter season are incomplete without some delicious pumpkin-based dishes, and this immunity-boosting soup is one of the absolute must-haves.

Creamy Potato Soup

Whenever you’re out of ideas for your next dish, creamy potato soup is always a good choice. Made with everyone’s favorite comfort veggie, this soup is as nourishing as they get.

Mushroom Soup

Speaking of dishes you can make with your favorite vegan ingredients, the mushroom soup will always be there to keep you warm with its delicious, creamy texture.

Wild Rice Soup

If you still haven’t tried making wild rice soup, now’s a better time than ever. To make it super-healthy and nutritious, use some of your favorite veggies, such as carrots, celery, and mushrooms.