Use These 3 Tips to Improve Your Recipe for Vegan Fritters

The plant-based diet wouldn’t be the same without vegetable fritters. Therefore, it’s one of the first dishes you should learn to make after going vegan. If you feel like your fritters recipe is missing something, use these three tips to give them the most amazing taste and texture it’s ever had!

Adding Flour

No matter what recipes you’re using, chances are you’ll have to add some flour to your fritters. It will help bind the rest of the ingredients together, but it’s important to use the right amount so your fritters won’t end up being too soggy or frisky.

Excess Water

Fritters are often made with vegetables that have high water content, such as zucchini or eggplant. The tricky part about them is that they’ll release water during the frying process, but you can minimize the damage by grating and salting them, and thus letting them drain.

Cold Batter

If you’re not in a great rush to fry your fritters quickly, give the batter some time to cool down in your fridge. Ten to twenty minutes will be just enough, and it will lead to better texture by slowing the development of gluten.