Look Out For These Exotic Fruits To Try

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It’s never too late to get adventurous with your fruit choices! Now is the time to discover unique-looking—and often unique-tasting fruits from around the world. While you might be a great fruit connoisseur when it comes to apples, bananas, and avocado toast, it’s time to branch out and try fruity delicacies from other countries.Try something new and eat one of these delicious exotic fruits!


Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is native to South America, including countries like Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and more. The inside of this purple or red fruit is bright yellow and green with black seeds. The taste is very tart and the smell is very aromatic. If you aren’t crazy about the tartness, it’s common to combine it with other sweet or creamy ingredients like coconut.


Prickly Pear

Prickly pear is known by many different names depending on where you are in the world, and it also is found in various parts of the world. From the Americas to the Mediterranean, this fruit grows everywhere. Pickled from the top of a cactus, the fruit is normally green, yellow, or red on the outside, and inside can be any of those colors as well. The flavor is pretty subtle, almost like a watermelon, and it can be eaten raw or made into drinks.


Dragon Fruit

This one is extra colorful. It is most popular in Southeast Asia but is really eaten around the world. It’s pomegranate-size with bright pink skin and large, green-tipped scales. The inside of the fruit has more colorful surprises as it contains a white or fuchsia-colored flesh that’s dotted with tiny black seeds. Its taste is a sort of mix of kiwi and pear or melon. Have it fresh, in juices or frozen drinks, or even tossed into fruit salad for an extra delicious crunch.