Low-Calorie Satiety Hacks for Late-Night Snacking

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

We’ve all been there: You’re just about to go to bed, yawning at your smartphone screen while solving a Spanish Duolingo exercise when late-night hunger creeps up on you like a bad cameo on your favorite TV series. But hey, it isn’t time to bury those healthy eating plans just yet! With these simple tips, you’ll be able to satisfy your midnight munchies without sending your calorie count through the roof.


Before you raid the kitchen, consider a hydration break. Sometimes, our bodies play tricks on us, making mere thirst feel like all-consuming hunger. A tall glass of water might be just the trick to curb nightly food cravings and help you fall into a soothing sleep.


When hunger strikes, think protein. A handful of almonds, a cup of yogurt, or a protein bar from the pantry can be your go-to allies for feeling full without paying the price of extra calories.


Fiber is the silent hero of late-night snacking. Grabbing a small slice of whole-grain toast or nibbling on some crunchy veggies will keep things light on the calories while keeping your sense of satiety in check.

Herbal Tea

This one’s a crowd favorite among late-night snackers: Brew up some herbal tea for a calming pre-sleep ritual. Not only does it warm you up from the inside out, but the slow sipping movement can also distract you from the noises your stomach might be making.