Make a Perfect Creamy Soup by Avoiding These Common Mistakes

There’s something truly irresistible about delicious, creamy soups, especially during winter when we’re all trying to keep warm and eat healthy dishes that will give our immune system a boost. Puréed soups are the right fit for this kind of weather, and avoiding these three mistakes will make them perfect.

Cooking the Vegetables

If your veggies are not cooked to perfection, your soup won’t be either. Avoid under or overcooking them by cutting them into pieces beforehand and checking their doneness with a fork if you’re not sure for how long to cook them.

Wrong Blender

You can’t use just any blender to purée your veggies. The food processor won’t give them a smooth and creamy texture that you’re trying to achieve, so it’s much better to use an immersion blender because they allow you to check the consistency of your soup in real-time.

Creamy Ingredients

If your recipe calls for plain yogurt, sour cream, milk, butter, or similar ingredients, which is pretty common with creamy soups, tread lightly when using them. Many of them don’t taste properly when reheated, so it’s best to eat your soup right away or separate it into two different pots.