Make Healthier Avocado Toast by Avoiding These Common Mistakes

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Avocado toast is often hailed as one of the staples of a healthy breakfast, but the line between a nutritious meal and a calorie bomb is pretty thin when it comes to this dish. To make your avocado toast healthy and tasty at the same time, make sure you’re not making these mistakes.

Bread Choice

The bread you choose can make or break your avocado toast—or any other toast you’re making, for that matter. Super-processed bread that you can find at the majority of supermarkets is a big no-no, and you should always go for whole-wheat bread instead.

Easy on the Avocado

Avocado is often described as a healthy fat, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still fat. Due to its high-calorie content, putting too much avocado on your toast isn’t the best idea, and it’s recommended to stick to one half of avocado per meal.

Topping Choice

Toppings that you’re choosing will determine how healthy your avocado toast is, just like bread. Don’t only focus on the flavors, and try to increase the protein and fiber content of your meal, especially if you’re eating it for breakfast. Eggs, fruits, and veggies are the best possible option in that regard.