New to Tofu? Here are 4 Ways to Cook It

Crispy tofu
Image by Silentpilot from Pixabay

Whether you’re new to being vegetarian or vegan or expanding your palette, you have to try tofu. High in protein and low in fat, the plant-based protein takes on whatever flavors you pair with it, making it super delicious. If you’re thinking about trying tofu at home, here are four ways to cook this all-star food.

Grill It

Firm and extra-firm tofu taste great when grilled. Grease grill racks well and places pressed tofu on the rack over medium heat until it’s brown. The tofu is finished cooking when it easily released from the rack.

Fry It

When stir-frying tofu use extra-firm tofu. It’s less likely to break apart than regular or firm tofu. Add pressed tofu to an oiled, preheated wok or skillet and fry it until it turns lightly browned on both sides. Coat the tofu in cornmeal to get a crunchy exterior similar to fried chicken.

Bake It

To cook tofu in the oven, put it on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown. You’ll be able to infuse the flavors of your tofu marinade without having to cook it over the stove.

Air-Fry It

To use less oil, but still get a crispy taste, cook the tofu in an air fryer. Toss it with a bit of cornstarch for an extra crispy taste.