Put a Healthy Twist on French Fries in Five Short Steps

French Fries
Photo by Valeria Boltneva/Pexels

The crispy texture and delicious taste of French fries are pretty impossible to resist – even when you know that they’re not exactly that healthy. Luckily, there are steps you can take to put a healthier twist on this ultimate comfort food, and these five are a good place to start.

Portion Control

Most unhealthy foods aren’t as bad for you when consumed in moderation, so try to strike the right balance by consuming smaller portions of French fries to stop them from wreaking havoc on your health.

Different Seasonings

One of the biggest problems with French fries is their high sodium content, so try experimenting with seasonings. Ditch salt for herbs and spices that will elevate the flavor of your fries, while keeping their sodium content in check.

Baked Fries

French fries are also considered unhealthy due to the excess oil used for deep frying, but you significantly reduce the amount of oil being used by baking them in the oven instead.

Air Fryer

You can also put your air fryer to some good use by preparing French fries inside it. They’ll taste as delicious as ever while being a healthier alternative to deep-fried variety.

Right Toppings

If you can’t imagine eating French fries without dipping sauces and toppings, consider swapping ketchup, mayo, and creamy dressings for healthier alternatives, such as homemade salsa, guacamole, or hummus.