Danielle Rye Will Make You Discover the Magic of Cupcakes All Over Again

Food bloggers love making cupcakes because they’re a true picture-perfect delight, and it’s easy to capture them in their best light. Danielle Rye is no exception, and we’ve seen her share countless delicious cupcake recipes on her blog Live Well Bake Often – starting with these five.

Strawberry Cupcakes

Strawberry cupcakes are the first flavor that comes to mind when someone mentions this beloved dessert, and if you still haven’t mastered the art of making them – now’s the time!

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cupcakes

If you love chocolate and strawberries in equal measure, this recipe will be your cup of tea. Cupcakes themselves owe their flavor to cocoa powder, but they wouldn’t be the same without the strawberry buttercream frosting and chocolate-covered strawberries on top.

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Red velvet cupcakes are never going out of style, and Rye couldn’t resist putting her own twist on the classic recipe.

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Some of Rye’s cupcakes take the flavor of other beloved desserts, and these ones will be your cup of tea if you’re a huge carrot cake lover.

Peanut Butter Cupcakes

You can use peanut butter to make all sorts of different desserts pop, and these delicious cupcakes with peanut butter frosting also fall under that category.