Raw Beets Make This Shaved Salad Over The Top

Photo by Nick Collins on Unsplash

Beets are such an undervalued vegetable. They come in all sorts of colors from purple to yellow, to red, to almost tie-dyed. Beets are usually associated with bland Eastern European food, but in reality, they are super flavorful and actually pretty sweet. They are also a vegetable that can be eaten cooked or raw! This salad changes things up by using them raw along with other yummy ingredients.

Radishes are another very underrated vegetable. They give a great peppery taste to salads and they are super bright and colorful. They are a similar texture to the beets which makes it even better for a salad.


  1. Start by washing the radishes and beets and peeling the beets well. Wear gloves or your hands will be stained whatever color beet you are using!
  2. Use a mandoline to cut the beets and radishes into very thin pieces. They should really be almost paper thin and uniform.
  3. Arrange them on a platter with all the radishes and beets incorporated. Shave on some parmesan cheese and stick in whole leaves of mint throughout.
  4. Make a simple vinaigrette with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Whisk well and pour all over the salad.