Secrets for Making the Perfect Shortbread Cookies

Shortbread cookies
Photo by Shortgirl Shortbread on Unsplash

Have you ever tried making shortbread cookies before? While appearing simple at first sight, there is no doubt that these delicious, buttery cookies are not as easy to prepare as they might seem to be. In order to take your shortbread game to the next level, use these three tips which will help you perfect these tasty cookies.

Cold Butter

One of the keys to making great shortbread is to only use cold butter when preparing the dough. It might seem impossible, and you might be tempted to use softened butter, but placing the dry ingredients in a food processor along with chopped cold butter will give the best result.

Add Cornstarch

One important thing you should always ensure that you pass when making shortbread is that everything mixes together well and completely. Adding a pinch of two of cornstarch while making the dough is a great way to ensure that this happens.

Bake at Low Temperature

An oven temperature around 300 F (or 150 C) is more than enough when making shortbread cookies. Cook low and (relatively) slow or else you’ll end up with undercooked shortbread cookies which are burnt on the outside.