Seitan is Popular Vegan Meat Alternative & Here’s How You Can Use It

Seitan. A great meat-alternative that tastes like chicken!
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In addition to tofu and tempeh, seitan is one of the most popular vegan meat alternatives out there, and it’s not difficult to see why. Wheat gluten does a great job mimicking the taste and texture of meat, and it’s incredibly versatile. Here are some of the best dishes you can make with it.

Seitan Burgers

Veggie burgers can be made with all sorts of different ingredients if you’re in the mood to get creative. Seitan is one of the most popular options because it doesn’t require a lot of effort to make burgers with this ingredient.

Seitan Steaks

If we had to pick the most popular plant-based dish that puts seitan front and center, vegan steaks would make the cut. They’re as close as it gets to the real thing, so you should definitely give them a shot.

Seitan Chicken

Many people compare the taste and texture of seitan to chicken, so it’s not surprising that wheat gluten is often used to put a vegan twist on all sorts of chicken dishes.

Seitan Hot Dogs

Going vegan doesn’t mean you should ditch hot dogs. It’s pretty easy to find vegan alternatives and the ones made with seitan are amongst the most popular on the market.