Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Kitchen Knives

Kitchen knife
Photo by Kevin Doran on Unsplash

Having sharp, good-quality knives in the kitchen is a must, especially for people who love cooking. Here are some signs that it’s probably time to replace your kitchen knives.

Broken Knife Tip

The fact that we don’t use the tip of the knife for cutting that often doesn’t mean that this part is not essential. Knife tip is very important for precision, so if you happen to break it it’s best to consider investing in a new knife.

Loose Knife Handle

If the knife handle keeps falling off that’s probably because the knife is too old or it’s low-quality. Even though it might be possible to fix this, repairing a loose knife handle is not the smartest idea because it can lead to injuries eventually.

Difficult To Use

Even if your knife is new, it could still be too heavy, unbalanced, and simply not comfortable to use. Safety comes first when using knives, so if they feel uncomfortable then it’s best to replace them.

Large Chips

Small chips on knife blades are normal and can easily be repaired, but bigger ones will inevitably appear over time and that’s a sign that the knife should be replaced.