Some Fun, Unique Salad Toppings

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

The salad is one of those meals that need a lot of different toppings if it’s going to be exciting and new. There are regular toppings like various chopped vegetables, olives, feta cheese, and so on. But there are a lot of other toppings that are not as well-known, and will make your salads go from ‘good’ to ‘great.’

Nuts and Seeds

There are a variety of nuts that can be chopped, shaved, and crushed onto salads. Some great ones are walnuts, pistachios, almonds, and cashews. Seeds, or a mixture of seeds and nuts are also a great complimentary topping. Toasted pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and poppy seeds can be mixed in. It’s also a lot of added protein. 

Blue Cheese

If you’re not going dairy-free, then you should consider adding some crumbled blue cheese on top of your salad. A well-aged gorgonzola is an excellent choice, as is a Stilton or Roquefort. 

Toasted Pita or Tortilla Chips

Traditional croutons are delicious on a caesar salad, but sometimes they need to be switched up. Toasting pita to form crunchy triangles or strips is delicious. Tortilla chips can be added to a Mexican themed salad.

Choose your salad base, and improve it with one of these delicious toppings!