Spaghetti vs. Noodles: What’s the Difference?

Pasta noodle varieties
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

It is easy to mistake spaghetti for noodles. After all, they look similar in their long, thin, and cylindrical shape. However, they are much more different than you would assume, from their origin to the way they are made and prepared. Find out more below.


For starters, spaghetti is a type of pasta that originated in Italy. On the other hand, noodles originated in China before spreading through Asia.


Spaghetti, like all pasta, is made by mixing wheat flour with water or eggs. Noodles, on the other hand, can contain all sorts of different ingredients, including wheat, rice, buckwheat, eggs, acorn meal, potato starch, and more.


 Spaghetti is cooked in boiling water before being served with sauce. Noodles, on the other hand, can be boiled or stir-fried and can either be a dish on their own or a component of other dishes like soups and salads.


Spaghetti and noodles have a different texture when cooked. Spaghetti has a bite to it if cooked al dente. Noodles, on the other hand, usually have a soft texture despite needing less cooking time but can also be chewy or firm depending on the type of noodle.