Spatulas Are Made From Many Different Materials… But Which One is the Best?

Spatula tips
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

A spatula is one of those cooking essentials we all have in our kitchen drawer. This kitchen tool can be made from many different materials, and it’s difficult to determine which one is the best for you, but we’re here to help you make the right choice with this brief guide.

Silicone Spatulas

Silicone spatulas are affordable and accessible, and you should consider buying one because they can be used in high-heat conditions and won’t leave your pots and pans with any scratches. Unfortunately, they’re not long-lasting and it’s not always easy to clean them up.

Stainless Steel Spatulas

Spatulas made of stainless steel are a great pick because they’re durable, easy to clean, and highly heat resistant, but you should be careful when using them so they wouldn’t scratch your non-stick pots or pans.

Plastic Spatulas

Plastic spatulas are just as popular as silicone ones due to their low price tag, but they’re not a good pick for high-heat cooking so they’re best avoided.

Wooden Spatulas

Wooden spatulas are a popular eco-friendly option, but they come with many downsides. They’re one of the least durable models on the market, and taking proper care of them takes a lot of work.