The Benefits of Avocado Oil

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

There are a lot of different oils out there—olive, canola, and coconut, to name a few. However, one that is not talked about as often as it should be, is avocado oil. Just like the fruit itself, avocado oil possesses a variety of nutrients that our bodies need. These nutrients lead to health benefits, which makes this one of the healthiest oils on the market. 

Oleic Acid

Out hearts need oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. This good ‘fat’ contributes to a healthy heart and may be associated with lowering cholesterol in individuals who use avocado oil regularly. 


Like blueberries, avocados, and thus avocado oil is full of antioxidants. The main one is called lutein. Eye health is just as important as heart health, and that is where lutein comes in. This antioxidant is needed for healthy eyes, and there have been studies that suggest that it may help reduce the chance of cataracts. Our bodies can produce most of the antioxidants we need, but lutein is one of the very few it cannot. 

The next time you are browsing in the oil section at your local grocery store, consider giving avocado oil a chance, and add it to your cart.