The Best Movies About Cooking

Image via IMDb/Fairview Entertainment

When you really love a hobby, you can’t get enough of it. And when you’re not doing it you want to read about it, think about it, and yes—watch movies about it. Cooking is no different. That’s why we compiled this list of the best movies about cooking for you to enjoy watching when you’re not, well, cooking.

Julie & Julia

This biopic stars Meryl Streep as the iconic chef Julia Child, as well as Amy Adams as the blogger who challenges herself to try cooking all 524 of the recipes in Julia Child’s cookbook in just one year.


A comedy-drama about a successful chef who loses his job and opens a food truck with his son, this Jon Favreau film is all about food and family. Plus, it offers one of the most mouth-watering portrayals of cooking seen in the film industry.


TikTok turned this Pixar movie into a musical last year for a reason: because it’s absolutely lovable and endlessly rewatchable, telling the inspiring story of an ambitious rat who has one dream and one dream only: to cook.