The Best Shortbread Recipe

Photo by Skön Communication on Unsplash

Shortbread biscuits are a classic British treat. Sweet, simple, and versatile, this recipe will create some of the butteriest shortbread you’ve ever tasted.


  • 200 grams of plain flour
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 100 grams of caster sugar


  1. Begin by creaming the butter and sugar together.
  2. Add the flour, using your hands to combine it into the mix until it resembles breadcrumbs.
  3. Squeeze it together to form a dough, then shape and cut the biscuits. Bake for 15-20 minutes in an oven heated to 180°C (350°F).


If you want to adapt this recipe, you can add chocolate chips or raisins into the mixing bowl before the dough is shaped. You could also add lemon zest, for a gentle twist on the classic flavor. Another option is to make a shortbread sandwich. Create a delicious filling by mixing ricotta cheese with chocolate spread, then use this to sandwich two biscuits together.

Shortbread is best served with plenty of tea, so make sure to brew some before handing the biscuit plate around.