The Easiest Vegan Ramen You’ve Ever Made

Image via veganfoodspot/Instagram

Ramen is a newer yet still traditional Japanese dish made up of broth, noodles, and various extras. The broth is one of the most important parts of the dish because that is what gives everything their flavor. While some people resort to using meat, it is not necessary! You can still achieve an amazingly flavorful broth that is absolutely vegan. Give it a try the next time you’re craving something filling but healthy.


The base of this dish comes from soy sauce and dehydrated mushrooms. The mushrooms provide that umami flavor that is well known in the Asian kitchen. Along with that comes regular vegetable broth, although homemade is best, onions, garlic, and ginger.


  1. Sautee the onions, garlic, and ginger together until the onions become slightly brown.
  2. Use the vegetable broth to deglaze the pan while scraping the bottom of the pot from the stuck bits.
  3. Add in more broth, the mushrooms, and soy sauce, and bring to a simmer. This stage can last anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on how rich you want the broth to be.
  4. Once it is towards the end, add miso paste and more seasoning.
  5. Serve with any sort of vegetables, like carrots, mushrooms, and scallions.