The Harsh Truth About Most Orange Juices

Orange Juice
Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

When it comes to food and drink-related products that we order, marketing plays an underratedly large role. It’s more than just an actor in a commercial telling you to buy it—it’s about the overall branding and how you feel when you consume the product. Unfortunately, sometimes branding doesn’t tell the full story, and this is definitely true when it comes to orange juice.

A Natural Experience

The branding for most commercial orange juice companies sells a whole lot of positive. From the visuals on the carton to the commercials, they want you to feel like you’re drinking a healthy, organic, lovely drink. You’re supposed to feel like you’re doing your body a favor by drinking it. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

Hidden Sugars

If orange juice companies wrote on the label, “this orange juice has plenty of added sugars”, you’d be a lot less likely to buy it. It’s not like the companies hide—it’s all there in the nutrition facts. But it’s not promoted. It’s placed on the side as a footnote, just in case you were interested. But as many of us learn, we’re influenced by marketing pretty heavily, and most orange juices are not the healthy drinks you think they are. So be weary when monitoring your OJ intake throughout the week!