The Secret to Making Food That Tastes as Good as Restaurants

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

No matter how good of a home cook you are, it can feel nearly impossible to make food that tastes as good as the stuff you get at your favorite restaurants—both the fancy ones and the hole-in-the-wall spots. Why? Well, here are the secrets that make all the difference.

Quality Ingredients

One thing that they do at restaurants that you may not at home is really invest in buying the highest-quality ingredients. Everything they use will be in-season, ripe, and of the highest quality, even if it’s just as “simple” as salt or oil.


In an effort to be healthy, you probably use much less fat at home than chefs do at restaurants. In fact, you might be shocked at how much oil, butter, and 35% cream is put in your favorite restaurant dishes. Sure, it may not be great for your arteries, but it sure does make it taste amazing.


Similarly, restaurant chefs are probably using much more salt than you use at home, even for dishes that aren’t intended to taste particularly salty. This is because salt is a flavor enhancer that brings out the flavor in your foods. So use it liberally.